InfraGuard general meeting
9320 Excelsior Blvd 9320 Excelsior Blvd, Hopkins, MN, United StatesJacob Wetterling: A Quarter Century Search for Jacob, Justice, and Answers
Jacob Wetterling: A Quarter Century Search for Jacob, Justice, and Answers
Fusion- student information session FUSION is … Paid work experience (called a residency) during the Junior and Senior year of a bachelor’s degree in an IT field of study. Designed […]
Crisis Communication The interaction between disaster recovery and business continuity professionals and their communications counterparts impacts the effectiveness of even the best DR and BC programs and - just as importantly - how key stakeholders perceive those programs’ effectiveness. Unfortunately, many organizations - even ones with sophisticated BC and DR plans - fail to extend […]
FUSION is … Paid work experience (called a residency) during the Junior and Senior year of a bachelor’s degree in an IT field of study. Designed for students who would like to earn a Bachelor’s degree in an IT related major and gain MORE experience before graduation. Combines relevant career readiness preparation with applied learning and relevant hands-on […]
Topic: FoodDefense
The Minnesota State IT Center of Excellence is pleased to once again host students and faculty at Data Derby 2018 a multi-disciplinary competition open to all Minnesota higher ed institutions, that allows student teams to compete and present data-driven answers to defined problems and societal issues.